Get Smart About Sleep

We are on a mission to help people reset their sleep patterns, break out of sleeplessness, and restore a sense of confidence and ease in the body's ability to sleep restfully. Rather than promote a one-size-fits-all approach or a "quick fix" that doesn't lead to lasting sleep improvement, we empower you with the necessary knowledge about sleep physiology and the tools needed to adjust for your unique sleep needs and routines, even as those change over time.

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Welcome to Smart Restful Sleep!

Chronic fatigue due to poor sleep does not need to be a way of life.

Most of us have easy access to a variety of sleep improvement options, but the majority of these options are designed for minor, fleeting, and short-term sleep problems. This leaves people who suffer from chronic sleep problems to use temporary interventions for long-term problems, which may or may not be effective or safe.

For people who are looking for long-term improvement in their quality of sleep, we offer science-based, behavioral interventions aimed specifically to reset and restore sleep patterns with lasting effects.

We are an online school and self-help program established to support and empower people who struggle with finding restful, predictable, high-quality sleep for whatever reason - including stress, a busy mind, menopause, retirement, life transitions, and even for no easily-identifiable reason.

Our courses cater to those who have already gathered a lot of sleep knowledge but feel like they are "missing a piece of the puzzle" to their sleep habits because sleep problems continue to occur, despite all of the interventions that are being used or have been tried.

Our students frequently come to us regularly using sleep medication out of necessity while wanting to figure out how to work with their bodies' natural resources in order to sleep well. They recognize that gaining missing knowledge and having the experience of resetting and restoring patterns of sleep is what leads to lifelong change.

For those interested, you can get started today by trying our free tutorial and sleep self-assessment. Sign-up is below.

Alissa S. Yamasaki, Ph.D. is the instructor for Smart Restful Sleep courses. She is a practicing clinical psychologist, and she started creating self-help courses after working with individuals one-on-one for over a decade and seeing how her clients get empowered by knowledge. She has a passion for helping people connect to the knowledge and resources they need in order to make their own changes.

Dr. Yamasaki's roots are in the mind-body connection. Her life as a competitive gymnast growing up led her to study movement and exercise at the University of Illinois, Urbana. She went on to earn her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Penn State University (2006), where she studied the relationship between anxiety and the body's physiological reactions.

She has been working in clinical practice since 2008 and owns Ayama Psychotherapy, which is located in PA, and brings together clinicians who focus upon the treatment of stress, anxiety, insomnia and body image. Her observation that anxious people tend to struggle with sleep led her to integrate sleep knowledge into her work. Because sleep problems are so prevalent and many problems seem driven simply by misinformation about sleep, she developed Smart Restful Sleep to help connect people to the knowledge they need in order to address their own sleep problems. Nothing makes her smile like hearing when people say that they have finally found restful, predictable, good sleep!

Wish to hear more from Alissa? Read her sleep blog, follow her on LinkedIn and read her reflections on Medium.

Discover if you have potential to improve your sleep using non-medication interventions.

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